
Get 24/7 access to speech, physical, and occupational therapists with All Care Therapies, the personalized care platform connecting you to outcome-based therapies, anytime, anywhere.

A Hybrid Care Company With a Singular Focus

At All Care Therapies, we embrace a hybrid model of care. While our teletherapy platform makes accessing personalized care easier than ever, we also have physical clinic locations for those who prefer a more traditional setting. We even offer in-home services that bring skilled therapists directly to your doorstep.

Speech Therapy

Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Start A Conversation

Whether you’re a physician, physician assistant, therapist, dentist, nurse practitioner, parent, patient, or health plan representative, we’re here for you.

We actively work towards a workplace where:

  • Every team member has access to equitable opportunities for professional growth and advancement.
  • Differences are celebrated and seen as fundamental to our innovation and effectiveness.
  • Inclusivity is the default, not the exception, ensuring everyone has the support they need to succeed.
  • All employees feel valued and empowered to contribute their best, irrespective of race, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

We are equally committed to making our therapies accessible to all patients, recognizing that a spectrum of voices enriches both our professional environment and the quality of care we offer. We stand united in creating a community where everyone, from our employees to our patients, can thrive.