When you first start thinking about online speech therapy for your child, you are likely to do some research and talk with other parents about their child’s experiences. While word-of-mouth information can be useful in making a decision, you’ll want to be aware of misguided advice that can lead you down the wrong path.

At All Care Therapies, we know that you want the best for your child. We also understand that you might have a few questions and concerns when it comes to our online speech therapy services. That’s why we would like to debunk a few of the most common myths about tele-therapy.

When you realize how beneficial online speech therapy can be, our certified speech therapists will be ready to deliver compassionate and comprehensive online speech therapy in a familiar and conducive environment – your home.

Myths About Online Speech Therapy

Myth 1: Your Child Really Doesn’t Need It

In certain instances, children will grow out of their speech development or language issues on their own. You might even speak with a parent who experienced this with their own child.

But while this may have occurred in their situation, it doesn’t mean that it will be the same for your child. Don’t assume your child will overcome their language impairment on their own. Seek out help from a professional speech therapy provider and have them evaluated.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Myth 2: Speech Therapy Will Only Treat Stutters and Lisps

In certain instances, children will grow out of their speech development or language issues on their own. You might even speak with a parent who experienced this with their own child.

But while this may have occurred in their situation, it doesn’t mean that it will be the same for your child. Don’t assume your child will overcome their language impairment on their own. Seek out help from a professional speech therapy provider and have them evaluated.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Myth 2: Speech Therapy Will Only Treat Stutters and Lisps

The experienced speech therapists at All Care Therapies are able to support children with a wide variety of language or speech-related issues. While it can be easy to assume that speech therapy can only correct stutters and lisps, speech therapists can also help meet the needs of children dealing with apraxia of speech, autism-related speech disorders, and many other challenges.

Myth 3: Online Speech Therapy Won’t Keep Your Child’s Attention

Many parents have concerns that it can be difficult for a speech therapist to work effectively with their child only using a computer or tablet. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Children absolutely love technology and, in fact, many find it easier to engage with a speech therapist online versus in-person.

Additionally, our All Care Therapies speech therapists understand how to keep your child engaged throughout the entire session with fun and interactive games.

Myth 4: Children Just Can’t Connect with a Speech Therapist Via Online Therapy

A positive learning environment is one of the most important factors when it comes to connecting with children and online speech therapy can offer that in droves. An online speech therapist will provide visual and verbal positive reinforcement to create a conducive learning environment.

Understandably, face-to-face communication is fundamental to speech and language therapy. This is still possible with online therapy as your child will be able to see their therapist via the tool (e.g. computer or tablet) they are using.

Plus, there’s always the “cool” factor that comes with technology. Children will see their online speech therapist as modern and hip, which will help them make a better personal connection.

Myth 5: In-Person Therapy Is Just Better

While in-person therapy may be good for some patients, tele-therapy (online speech therapy) provides a number of benefits that just can’t be matched, including:

  • Online therapy helps children better absorb their lessons and the skills being taught to them.
  • More scheduling options mean children can meet with their online speech therapist at a time that is best for the family.
  • Children love tech and the online world. Online therapy is a more enjoyable experience where they can participate in fun, game-based activities.
  • Parents tend to be happier with the results and services because they love to see the progress being made and all the fun their children are having.
  • The online system allows for quicker and easier communication between patients and therapists.

Myth 6: Online Therapy Means I’ll Have to Buy Expensive Computer Equipment

Thanks to advanced technology, it’s easier than ever for your child to receive online speech therapy. All you need is a computer or tablet with a webcam and microphone – and thankfully most computers come with these built in. Additionally, you’ll need a stable internet connection and a quiet room where your child will be able to work with their therapist each session.

And that’s it!

All Care Therapies will also be there to walk you through the setup process and provide ongoing tech support as needed.

Myth 7: Online Speech Therapy Is Too New to Be Effective

If you have never heard of online speech therapy, you might think the technology and services are too new to be beneficial for your child – but no need to worry. All Care Therapies speech therapists are educated, certified, and experienced professionals who are more than able to meet your child’s needs.

Don’t let these myths about online speech therapy stop you from changing your child’s lifeContact All Care Therapies today to request an appointment.

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